A Day Hike in the Winter - St. Peter's Dome

 It's been a while since I have documented any hikes. While we have gone on many since my last post, I sort of forgot that I was going to blog about them. Life gets so busy, but I still think the idea has value even if only for me to look back on. Here we are after a few years have gone by and it is a winter day in the middle of a pandemic. The whole world has changed but one thing that has been a constant is knowing that I can heal myself and rejuvenate my body and spirit simply by getting outside. It's been a long year teaching in a pandemic and a long week with all sorts of unexpected changes and it's time to forget the "real world" of responsibilities and find out how tiny I actually am in the REAL real world. Because this is the ultimate benefit of hiking. I get to remember my insignificance in the grand scheme of it all. I also can be grounded and find my connectedness again. 

As I continue to document our excursions, I'd like to develop a format useful to myself and others. What I liked about the hike, what I didn't like, and the trail wisdom I gained. 

Location: St. Peter's Dome - 1.2 miles out and back - This was not a long trail at all and we mostly explored all around up there instead of just doing the trail. 

Company: My husband and 2 kids and our German Shepard Otis

Weather: High 40F / Low 29F Sunny

I don't like to overcomplicate things too much when it's just a day hike, but I also like to make sure everyone is comfortable in various temperatures and well fed to ensure optimal moods. Sun protection is also key weather is a hat or sunscreen. 

Packing List 

  • Individual
    • hats and gloves and coat
    • sunglasses
    • water bottle
    • bandana or neck gaiter
    • good socks and hiking shoes
  • Collective
    • Compostable dog waste bags
    • Phone for navigation and pics
    • Snacks 
      • Leftover lemon loaf
      • Oranges
      • Apples
      • Crackers
      • Peanut butter sandwiches
      • Baby Bel Cheese
      • Chocolate


This wasn't my first choice for a hiking spot today. We had planned on going to Mt. Rosa but the road was icy and riveted and it was a lot further than we originally thought.  We stopped here instead because it was a familiar place for crystal digging and the views were good! 
  • What I Liked
    • The scenery - good views
    • Not as many people so we were able to have the dog off the leash for a bit 
  • What I Didn't Like
    • Freezing cold and windy
    • Short trail 
    • Exposed - this wouldn't have bothered me except for the extremely cold wind!
Trail Wisdom 
  • Kids - I'm really glad I had extra gloves in my bag today! Henry was freezing when we first arrived holding on to the dog's leash without gloves. 
  • Dogs - Dogs are happiest when they can roam around off leash. Otis was prancing in the snow bursting with joy. Make sure Otis gets to go somewhere every year for his birthday where he can be without his leash in the wild. 
  • Husband - Needs more layers than he thinks he does. Also, make sure there is a blanket for the dog after hiking so husband doesn't get upset about the dog messing up the back seat of his truck. 
  • Me - 30F is really cold especially when there is wind. Bring more wool layers for winter hiking. 
  • People don't want to stop and eat when they are this cold! Just keep moving :) We didn't eat any of the food outside. We ate in the car on the way there and back. 


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